NIS 2 readiness assessment

We offer to evaluate the organization's cyber risks based on the Zero Trust framework. Using the Zero trust maturity model rating as the foundation, your IT environment will be assessed according to today's dynamic environment and threats. The proposed risk mitigation actions will help reduce actual threats to your organization and comply with external requirements such as NIS2.

Your business challenges

Prioritize cyber risks with a limited budget

With a limited budget, you need to eliminate the most significant cyber risks

Insufficient skills or capabilities

You do not have enough cybersecurity competencies and various vendors offer so many products you do not understand what is the most valuable investment

Potential damage to reputation

Non-compliance with regulations can lead to financial penalties, legal issues, and reputational damage

Our Solution

Your organization's IT and cyber security management processes will be assessed in 5 pillars:

  • Identity Management
  • Device management
  • Network/environment
  • Business applications 
  • Data management

Under these categories, we will assess the technologies you're currently using and their management model. The Zero Trust framework is vendor-neutral. It does not depend on one supplier, nor does it require purchasing specific vendor solutions to mitigate risks.
All aspects of your existing cybersecurity model will be mapped to known NIS2 requirements to identify gaps.

Your benefits and deliverables

Your benefits and deliverables

Your organization’s risk level will be assessed in the Zero Trust pillars, together with clearly identified actions to be taken to improve security. 

Comprehensive plan

  • You will receive a comprehensive plan that outlines the necessary measures for converting your existing IT infrastructure into a Zero Trust-based IT environment that is adapted to today's cybersecurity risks and external regulations while at the same time simplifying your IT infrastructure and making it more secure. 
  • The IT infrastructure will be made more secure and risks will be evaluated according to the requirements of NIS2.
  • You will also receive a vulnerability assessment report and can patch or reconfigure the most critical points from the intruder's perspective.

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